Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
FIFA Soccer 2003

Gameplay: The most appealing part of FIFA 2003 is the ability to really work the ball between players. One of my biggest complaints with previous titles, is the inability of the non-active players to move to the open spaces and make runs down field. EA has done a wonderful job of adding intelligence to the rest of the team.
Graphics: The 'broadcast' camera angle (which is the default) allows you to view the field and players in a meaningful way, so you know where and when to make passes and shots. The graphics are stunning, and the individual players look.. well.. individual. When my wife walked into the room in the middle of the game, she didnt realize I was playing, until a closeup was shown of one of the players.
Audio: Great commentary, good game sounds, and the crowd is done very well. It all adds to my above point of the immersive quality of the game.
Suggestions: I would like to see a training mode, or some way to practice set plays. Corner kicks, free kicks, etc...
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10