Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 178
Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack

Gameplay: Controls are well done and easy to get use to. City is full of ramps and hidden areas to keep you entertained. I'm not going to type all day on it.....just pick up a copy. It is well worth it.
Graphics: Graphics got a nice over haul for the Xbox version. The additional light reflections are nice, as are the fingers on the player models. It's impressive.
Audio: Heck, I love the custom soundtrack feature. Nothing says "hey, let's ram some people" like Rage Against The Machine.
Suggestions: Only one.....don't dink around and make us wait on the next version. Do a general release for both ps2 and Xbox next time.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is played in 3rd person view. You can have two weapons active at a time (ie a left hand weapon & right hand weapon). As you progress thru the 1st level, you are introduced to the shotgun & shovel (right hand) and the chainsaw (left hand). These weapons can be used in combo attacks from some pretty great kills. My personal fav thus far is the impale with the chainsaw, hold them up, then blow them off with the shotgun. Classic. Controls are easy enough to master, and the game gives you tips thru-out on how to do various moves. The maps aren't as open as they could have been. The 1st level takes place in a city, but you can't go into any building you choose. You can only interact with the buildings / objects that are scripted for you to interact with. Still fun, but it would have been great to go into any place I want and interact with anything I want. Also, drivable vehicles go a long way, this game could have benefited from them greatly. You give gamers the ability to get in a car, drive around (run over deadites), then get back out, we will purchase the game. That being said, if you like "Hunter: The Reckoning", you might like this. Heck, at $20 bucks new, you can't really go wrong. If you enjoy the "Shoot it all & collect items" game, this one is for you.
Graphics: The Ash character looks great. Smooth animations, nice movement. The environments are acceptable. It's not Halo, but it fits the game. This isn't a game you pick up for graphic appeal. You purchase a game like this to chainsaw off a deadite leg, then blast him with the shotgun just to hear Ash chime in and say, "Oh look, there go your precious bodily fluids" Graphics are nice, they are acceptable. But you have to reserve higher scores for the Halos out there. Thus the score of 3.
Audio: Because Bruce is involved with the game, and lends his voice to it, Boomstick gets 4 right off the bat. But, they also managed to get the same feel of the deadite voices (ie, "I'll swallow your soul!"). As you are running around you can hear people begging for their life, and explosions and such. Really gave a feeling of chaos.
Suggestions: One word, 4 syllables. MUL-TI-PLAY-ER! When will devels learn? I know it doesn't really fit the whole lone wolf persona of Ash. But you would sell additional copies of the game, and increase the fun factor if you could run around with a buddy blasting the minions of evil. Take a look at "Toe Jam & Earl" for an example of how to do multiplayer right.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10