Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Shenmue 2

Gameplay: A bit slower paced than the first but it builds up without you really noticing. The gameplay in general is amazing. So much to do. Go anywhere you want. Your FREE. Great gameplay experience. Theres not like it.
Graphics: Even for a game thats based on Softimage technology that is 4 years old, it still seems to impress me on Xbox. Shenmue II on Xbox is beatiful, smooth and sharp. Reflections are added and the glare from the sun is nice, water effects were reworked. Ryos hands are reshaped, slow down is gone, loading times are quick, no more jaggies, some blockiness around ears and clothing but aside from that the game is a beauty.
Audio: Ryo voice sounds the exact way we would sound if we didnt know anyone in China, nervous, jumpy. Although the voices aren't up to standards of whats its suppose to be, in my opinion it just happens to blend right into the game. Doesnt bother me at all. Just like the original. The musical score is just amazing. Just like the first. Brilliant.
Suggestions: Market it better.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10