Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Test Drive Off-Road: Wide Open

Gameplay: Great appeal loved the multi player that is what was used the most with the brothers in law brought the whole family together.
Graphics: Great graphics maybe could have been a little better with the capability of the xbox, but they were not bad.
Audio: good sfx and great soundtrack need good rocking music for a racing game makes it more exciting and intense
Suggestions: Only thing I could suggest is to tweek the graphics and let us use our own soundtrack!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Loved it fast moving action lots of mechs and weapons, plus enjoed the third person view as opposed to the first person.
Graphics: Awesome graphics, loved the explosions and the buildings coming down. Also the colors and the scenery were all outstanding.
Audio: Eh whatever would have rather been able to listen to my music during the game. My music is a lot better for that type of game need something real hardcore some Pantera or something.
Suggestions: Be able to play our own music and let us build our own mechs!!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10