Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: The game play was fun for about 3 hours till you saw what you were doing agian and agian, all it was was hack slash hack slash and repeat about 10 zillion times.The story plot was ok i guess. The bosses were good fun to beat not too hard but not too easy, I played it for three hours on normal mode got to the last boss and could'nt beat him so i had to start the whole game over agian which annoyed me! There were enimes that were impossible to beat, this game is alright for a mess around every now and again, im sayinfg this if you like survival horror! There are a few bits that feel arcadey which is where the developers have added mini games on to the quest that take about 30 mins to do and there are about 4 of them, they are fun.
Graphics: The graphics were lush and well worth my 15 pounds for the show! I love the graphics and the shadows were done very well! Most of the game is set at night but when you do see it in day wow is it good.The developers used alot of fire in this game and they did it very well! Thank you developers for such great graphics.
Audio: The music/sound was annoying you heard the same music for 4 hours none stop!That was the let down of this game. The sounds when you hit the enemys sounded the same on them all, even when you hit armour it sounded the same as when you hit flesh?why?
Suggestions: Add some depth to the game not all hack slash hack slash and so on.Man when i heard that sound of onimusha's sword hitting a monsters flesh one more time i'am going to scream!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10