Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: Hmmm, slash, slash, forward, more slashing...... maybe run down a corridor or into a cave....... slash, slash, slash, etc.... not cutting edge. Maybe they should have just left in on PS2.
Graphics: I know the game is fantasy with monsters and demons galore, but adding that touch of realism brings a lot to the table. The game doesn't have that X Factor for me. Realism, awesome graphics, detailed characters, scenery, backdrops, etc. are what make a game great.
Audio: Nothing to complain about here. The sound was good. I could hear everything and the music was pleasant to listen to.
Suggestions: Go look into some of the other games that XBox has brought to the table, then go back and improve on some important elements that this game seems to be lacking. Capcom can do better.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The QTE's were different. That was new for me, but I quickly caught on and it became fun. I loved running all over town. The chase scenes were great. I liked earning money through the mini games. I didn't really like the cargo work, but only because of the characters voice and the sound he made when he would step back. That's not natural. All of the characters were great. Ryo's character was easy to manipulate and the fight scenes were great. It was eXtremely cinematic. I felt like I was watching a movie. I like the mystery, the hunting, everything....
Graphics: Awesone!! I felt like I was in all of the locations. I felt like I was a real part of the game. The backfrops were beautiful. The people were all different and so detailed, even down to scars and wrinkles. The buildings, water, streets, and businesses were all unique. They did a wonderful job creating Shenmue's world. The weather changed, day turned into night, clouds moved, water rippled, etc.
Audio: Sound was good. I like hearing the bussle of all of the towns people, the harbor people working, kids playing, birds, bells, etc... They paid a lot of attention to creating a realistic backdrop for the game. It makes you feel like you're in the game. Music was very beautiful and it was nice to hear some rock music here and there. I hope they add more contempory music to the next game.
Suggestions: Please don't take 2 years to create Shenmue III. I'm ready to play it now. Create even more characters and keep it as real as Shenmue II. Please surprise everyone!! Everyone has been arguing over who's going to be who. Shut us all up and twist the story in a way only that Mr. Suzuki can!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10