Average Overall Score Given: 8.20000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick

Gameplay: The game is just plain boring. There's no way around it. I still can't figure out how this game manages to suck all the fun out of killing zombies and other creatures. And the puzzles(if you can really call them that) suck.
Graphics: It almost seems like the developers started to work on the graphics on some levels and then after a little while decided that it was good enough and went on to the next level. At this point they said," Hey look at that we're way ahead of time! Lets spend alot of time on the next level."
Then after that level they say." Look at the time. We worked way too much on the last level. We better get the next few done before lunch."
Some of the levels look fine while others actually cause me physical pain to look at.
Audio: The sound really isn't anything amazing, but I've got to give the game credit for using Bruce Cambell's voice. Besides that though it pretty much just sucks like everything else.
Suggestions: Come on guys! The license is better than alot of movie to game translations, and you've got zombies and demons to work with. How could these things suck so bad?
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is what matters most especially in sports games. Madden must have spent the off season securing itself as the game that others just wish they were. It achieves this by the addition of the play maker. This allows better control of the whole team and not just the QB. This game is pure simulation fun so if you like the arcadey hits of NFL Blitz then maybe you should wait for that. One other thing. For some reason the on line play has been scraped from this version. Why the hell is that???
Graphics: The graphics are very good and are above almost all other football games. The crowds look pretty good and the players look amazing. The game also runs without any slow down.
Audio: The crowd sounds fine. The hits sound real. Almost everything in this game sounds great. Almost everything. Madden himself is the exception to this. The commentary is really the only thing that wasn't improved on this year. Madden's mindless chatter still sucks. Most of the time you won't even be able to figure out what Madden is talking about.
Suggestions: Bring the on line play to Xbox live. Oh and replace Madden as the commentator with... well anyone.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game adds quite a bit to the survival horror gener. The trust and fear elements factor into the game good. The atmosphere is spooky and the level are well designed. I only wish there was some reason to replay this game after it was all over but the replay value is very low.
Graphics: This game looks great just like most xbox games do. The things look especially good. The fire effects could have used some work to make them look more natural.
Audio: Sound plays a big part in all survival horror games. It set the atmosphere for the whole experience. Some of the guns could have used a little more kicked but most were fine.
Suggestions: Make the sequal longer and have your team mates interact more with each other.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is very hardcore (no i don't mean that) and fun. The single player is not exactly a Hall Mark moment. It could even be called crap (or a word that rymes with cheap hit). The last boss is a cheating, cheap shot artist. If you have friends stick to the multiplayer mode. If you don't I'm sure someone out there will be willing to use you(for your xbox of course).
Graphics: This game has huge... levels. The visual will make you drool(for more than one reason). Each area will make you want to keep the battle going for a little while longer to see the next area of the level.
Audio: All the sounds are timed well with the on screen action and the music is fine. At least they didn't try any crappy voice translations. I still don't know what the heck Hayabusa is saying though.
Suggestions: Make the single player good to.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's like Mario Party on steroids, crack, and drunk all at the same time. If you like party games you will like this.
Graphics: Holy Mario Party Xbox vision(I've always wanted to say that). The best looking party game to come out for Xbox yet(Also the only).
Audio: I like the sounds but they could have added a few more character taunts. Damn I'm tired of hearing "What did you lose again".
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10