MEMBER PROFILE FOR gamers wetbar
Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Gameplay: Very similer controls to the PS1 game, its kinda easy to get used to if u never have played on the X-Box at all but u can get the hang of it in about oh lets say hour or two, again thats if u never played the X-Box before.
Graphics: For a newcomer to the X-Box the graphix are WHUPPY ASS! i mean God Dang they are almost like poping out at u when u are playing on a big screen tv lol. Again from my point of veiw (i WAS a gamecube addict but then i played the X-Box and basicly threw away the gamecube)the graphix are tight. an all out 5 from me!
Audio: Sound was ok. sence i dont usally listen to sound i cant say that it was good sound. well that might be because i play it with no volume heh heh heh(Dont want to wake up my dad) so i cant say that it was good or bad jest average.
Suggestions: Add more Jokes and wierd bosses. also shave the armpits off the russain womens armpits hehe she would be hot if it wernt for those gerbils under her pits LOL! PEACE OUT!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10