Average Overall Score Given: 8.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: lame game play stupit sport.wiredo charactor design. just a for 9 year kids that cant get enough of swachniger
Graphics: i guss the only thing that is good in this lame tiltle is the graphic nothing more just the graphic.
Audio: well nothing specail just the ordanry futuristic wirdo sport sound .............
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

ugly looking main charactor other then that is great.
Gameplay: the game play is good especially in mutiplayer. good designe of guns ecipt alian ones. and the fact that u can almost drive any vical in the game is cool. one of the best fpt out there.
Graphics: great envirmental graphic. good looking alians and marins. good design of cars and planes. great special effect of gun fire and expoltions. but all let down by the
dul and ugly looking main charactor
the master chief. and the flood is just a bad design.
Audio: the only real let down of this game is the sound. bad alian sound and unrealistic firing sound......
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: just like the cartoon it's self it has a very good story line. and the felling of countrolling the plane it self is ansome. a must have for fans of robotech.
Graphics: some of the peopel said the game is too colorful and look like a n64 crap. please this is a remake of the anime ofcourse it need the feel of it. but if u never watch any anime then....
Audio: great sound feels exacally like the movie it's self. good voice acting. just everything is good.....
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

i play the first second and third of this game and thay all rock.
a must have on all console if they got it.
Gameplay: one of the inprovemnt in this one to the last one is that there is hips more charactor to choose from and real historical charactors.
like the second one the battle field are huge and really show how battle are fight.
Graphics: very good graphic looks freaking mad when charging in to a hug enermy army with ur battle horse. wat i've always wanting to do hahaaa.
Audio: well the only weak part in the game is the sound it's not realistic enough. abit cartoonlish. they should make it more bloody like sound of slising ur blade in to flesh and crushing of bones. just like to real battle.
Suggestions: yeah make anothe one of it
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10