Total Reviews: 3
Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003

Overall: It's pathetic how addicted I am to this game, especially since it's not as cool to brag about being really good at fake golf. I love the graphics, the variety of courses, the gameplay...but most of all, I love the power drive. There's just something satisfying about driving the ball 350+ yards. It's a great feeling.

Gameplay: It takes a little bit to get used to using the controller stick to swing if you're accustomed to the PC games where you have to do the 3-click mouse thing in the little swing circle gauge thingy. But once you do, you'll never want to go back. My suggestion is to learn the power swing. That move is fun as hell to bust out, especially if you can build up your driver strength and crank a 375 yard drive on a 600 yard hole. It's safe to say that the main reason I play is to use the power drive.

My only complaints are about the putting and the fact that you can't really shape shots (no hooking or fading around a dogleg). Or maybe you can...I didn't read the instruction book. If so, then nevermind. I guess it's just not as obvious as I would've liked. Every so often, the caddie doesn't tell you where to aim, so then you have to guess based on the elevation of various points of the green, blah, blah. If you feel like figuring that out, be my guest. If the greens had grids, it might be a different story, but I still say you're screwed if the caddie decides to rest a hole. The bastard.

Graphics: The scenery is awesome, so that's all I'll say about that. The players are about as good any of the newer games out there (the faces are OK, but could use a lot of improvement), and they did a good job copying the swings of current PGA tour members. Jim Furyk is the best one, except for Tiger's swing. That guy has the perfect swing (bastard), and they copied it to near perfection.

Audio: There's a list of 10 or so songs you can choose from (no customized playlist, as far as I can tell), and they just play those over and over again. The golf sounds (ball falling in the cup, clubhead striking the ball, etc.) are great, but hearing the same songs all the time was getting on my nerves. The best way to play this game is to mute it, pop in a CD, and crank some drives.

Suggestions: Of course, XBox Live support. If I have to play, for example, in a skins game against 3 other computer players, it's annoying having to wait for them to hit the ball. And then I have to wait longer if they get that !&%$@#* heartbeat. A way to just skip past them hitting so I can hit again would be great. Or a way to turn off the cutaway of the player's face on good screws me up because I don't know what direction to spin the ball in until the last second. I'd also like to switch to and from a putter whenever I feel like it. I guess that's more suggestions than I thought. Maybe I should become a developer so I could make my own games and quit bitching about the ones made by other people. Nah.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 TimeSplitters 2

Overall: To me, the best feature of this game is it's easy learning curve...well, for people who have played a lot of first person shooting games. Even then, you aim and shoot...not much to it. I love the way each level is a different time period with weapons suited to that place and era (kind of)...I wanted to keep playing just to see what the next level would be. I think the fact that the girlfriend of the guy I was playing co-op with seemed just as caught up in the game as us says a lot.

Gameplay: Again, easy learning curve allowed me to get into the game quickly. The controls were fairly consistent with other 1st person shooters (Nightfire, Halo, etc.), so fans of this genre will feel comfortable. If you're not a fan of the genre, then I don't think I could say anything to please you anyway.

Graphics: Graphics were wonderful. No one has quite reached Halo status for me, so that's why the half-point knockoff. Call me sentimental for the classics. I'll repeat, however, that having a different time period and location for each level was really cool to see and play through.

Audio: I really wasn't paying attention that much, to be honest. I do remember that the guy I was playing with in co-op mode kept remarking how he liked the soundtrack, as well as his girlfriend while she watched us play. So that nailed it for me.

Suggestions: Putting out a fire to open a door? That was a little odd, but ok, at least the game was awesome. So no suggestions really, just don't mess with a good thing if there's ever a TimeSplitters on the graphics (this goes out to all game graphics people...the people are still kind of blocky) and just have different time periods...that's the main appeal of the game in my opinion.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon

Overall: The idea that I'm Bruce Lee in itself was enough to draw me in; however, after a few hours, I think I bored myself enough to not care whether I ever play this game again. It just got too repetitive, and button mashing games are fine if you aren't given the extra challenge of confusing camera angles, 3 lives per level (so you have to start THE ENTIRE LEVEL OVER if you die...give me checkpoints dammit and just start me from there), and this crap with purchasing moves. Overall, I was very disappointed with this game.

Gameplay: Good: Lots of fighting (FYI, this is also a bad thing, because that's all there is, and it gets monotonous), and lots of moves, which is fun with any game if you sit down and try to learn them.

Bad: I just spend $50 (actually, I rented it, but let's pretend) on a game in which I'm Bruce Lee, but you only give me nunchukus (however that's spelled) randomly and only a few times throughout the entire game? Personally, I don't want to have to "earn" skills for a game like this. Sure it makes it more challenging, but not in a good way. I say, give me all the moves and whatever weapon I feel like using, and make the enemies more difficult, or give them guns or something. This thing where you kill people to get coins to purchase moves was a load of crap and got on my nerves after a while. One thing I absolutely LOATHE about this (and any other game I just dropped the price of my phone bill on) is being given 3 lives to complete a level, and if you don't, you have to start the level all over. This started happening to me around the third level (snicker if you will, I'm not an extremely skilled gamer, I just enjoy playing), and it pissed me off royally. Smells to me like a zany plot by the developers, who probably figured "Hey, the next level is pretty much the same as this one, so why not make them play it again? They won't know the difference." I know there's other games that do this, but maybe I got spoiled on Halo, where there's checkpoints scattered throughout the level and you just return to the last one if you die. I don't mind playing certain PARTS again, but not the whole !&%$@#* thing. Because I die a lot :)

Graphics: The backgrounds were pretty cool, and the characters looked great from a distance. Up close, however, it didn't excite me any. I'm pretty sure I'm alone in that department though because in general I'm still not happy with how humans look in video games. I guess "blocky" is the term, if that's even a word. Don't get me wrong, what the graphics people can do is amazing and I know I sure as hell couldn't do it. But I'm still waiting for the day that an up close view of a video game human's makes me do a double take and wonder if it's real or not.

Audio: Wasn't really paying attention because I was busy getting cramps in my hand from mashing buttons. I'm an avid Bruce Lee fan and loved the sounds that he made while fighting, but that's all I really noticed.

Suggestions: Just let me be Bruce Lee and quit making me have to pick up coins and other crap. Give me weapons and all of my moves, and be more creative with the enemies if you want to create a challenge. Don't make the bosses fight the same as the thugs, and don't force me to lock onto one guy if I'm being attacked by 5 others. Be original for me...I'm not the one being paid to make these games. I just want mind-numbing fun.

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

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