Average Overall Score Given: 4.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
NHL 2003

Gameplay: Gameplay sucks!! It is nothing like real hockey. its fast action bull !&%$@#* !!! This is the worst part of the game.
Graphics: The viual aspect of the game are awsome!! This is the best game as in visualls i have seen!! I only hope everything else gets better soon. i have alwayes liked EA's hockey til 200x started comming out.
Audio: Sound sucks. it sounds like a gun going off when you hit the puck. And the comentary(sp) sucks!!! EA's needs to try to make a rteal hockey game with Good commentary. All it is is a buch of jokes.
Suggestions: Go for NHL2k3 for reallisticness(sp)!!
Go for hitz for arcade fun!!!
Go for NHL 2003 for a if you dont know anything about hockey!!!
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10