Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Kakuto Chojin

Gameplay: There was no appeal for me! I LOVE fighting games, and when I played this, I was utterly disappointed!
Graphics: The graphics were beautful! I have to give KC its props! The graphics were incredible! Great lighting schemes, great textures, and all at a steady 60 fps! - The animation on the other hand needed work!
Audio: Anyone who ever owned an Atari Jaguar will remember the even-now haunting sounds of the words being muttered ... "Kaaaaaasumi Ninjaaa!" - Well, guess what? This game goes "Kaaaaaaakuto Chooooojin!" - It was like a bad dream! - And what's with the little to know voices??? We ARE working with DVD's, right?
Suggestions: Take a look at REAL fighting games and revamp the whole system, keep the graphics, and frames of animation, and please, God... Get some friggin' Voice Actors!!!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Step, fire, step, fire... oh hell, fire, fire, fire, FIRE!!!! - The control is "ON POINT" and makes this game extremly enjoyable for hours on end. What can be better than blasting to bits someone you never met before, all the while chattering away with trash talking finess?
Graphics: Absolutely stunning! The weather effects, textures, animations, and explosions all look INCREDIBLE! - I've hear people on XBOX Live complain that they can't see that well on the boards that have heavy snow or dust, well, guess what? THAT'S REALISTIC!!! and, it's why each mech is equipped with radar.
Audio: The soft, soothing sounds of WAR baby! Hell, sometimes I just let the demo play so It can lull me to sleep.
Suggestions: Capture-the-Flag mode, Customizable mechs, and whaddya say we get some of that downloadable content out, eh Fellas?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The control is very intuitive, and the button commands are well placed. I must admit though, the control does not seem to flow as well as DOA3. But, play Kakuto Chojin first, then play MK:DA and you will LOVE IT!!! LOL
Graphics: Graphics are beautiful. Granted, the character models don't look as clean as DOA3 or as detailed as Splinter Cell, but the backgrounds are excellent. Another VERY COOL nuance is the fact that not only does blood drip down the characters bodies from injuries they sustain, but it actually follows the contour of their muscles. A very nice touch! Some of the character specials look awesome, and well, FATALITIES are always awesome!!!
Audio: The sadists will cheer! Some of the best, bone chilling screams heard in a game, and guess what? YOU CAUSED THEM!!! Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? The hits sound powerful, and you can actually hear bones breaking and skin tearing! What can be better than that?
Suggestions: XBOX Live, it's the wave of the future, so grab your board and surf that wave!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Everything about this game screams pigskin! The addition of ESPN really brings this game to life.
Sega finally got their AI working well. The defenses will step up and actually intercept the ball. I grew tired of Madden having D-backs step up, wide open, just to swat the ball down. What the hell is that?
Gameplay: Control is tight & responsive. Whether you use the original "Fat Daddy" controller (as I like to call it, or the "S" Controller, this game feels completely natural in your hands. Run, pass, scrable, juke, spin, hurdle, etc. It all feels so natural.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are absolutely stunning. The textures are exquisit, the facial expressions are perfect, and I swear you almost never see the same animation twice.
Try this! Set the game up so the computer is playing both sides, and then sit back and watch. Then you'll see this game for all of its graphical beauty!
Audio: This game IS football. If you've ever watched ESPN's NFL Halftime show, or any of ESPN's NFL shows for that matter, you'll know what I mean.
The hits sound thundering, the nuance sounds are perfectly placed, and the crowd cheers when you do well, and boos when you don't.
Suggestions: Larger, more diverse playbooks. Also, when creating a custom playbook, make it so you can add entire sets. Lastly, the ability to create custom plays.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10