Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Gameplay: Although the fighting style is a bit different because of the style switching, it's very easy to get the hang of and within no time at all you feel that same old feeling you once had when you were tearing your opponent to peices in the old versions of MK. In Konquest mode you learn how to use each fighter and you are taught some of the basic moves, combos, and special moves while at the same time earning credits that can be used to unlock new characters and much much more. In the krypt (The unlock area) there are many coffins each with a two letter code such as AA. Now imagine a coffin for each possibile combination between AA and ZZ and you will have an idea of how much there is to unlock in this game. In fact the booklet gives you a map to mark off the coffins you unlock just so you dont forget. This is what it comes down to, if you like kicking some serious !&%$@#* Mortal Kombat style and you like seeing blood fly everywhere and watching it spew out of your opponent, then this game rules!! Also worth mentioning is each fighter has as one of thier 3 fighting styles a weapon style. Some of the characters can actually impale thier opponents with thier weapons (the weapon stays in the opponent the rest of the round as it drains life and lots of blood from them). No doubt this game is fun and the better your skills develop the funner it gets. Replay value is timeless just like all the MK's of the past.
Graphics: The graphics are very very good, although, they are by no means the best graphics on the X-Box. They are pretty much the same graphics that you saw in previous MK's except they are more elaborate, detailed, and last but not least animated. The backgrounds are excellent!!
Audio: The sound fits the game without a doubt. It is very enjoyable and it doesnt get on your nerves after hearing it over and over. It would have been much better had they added a custom playlist option.
Suggestions: Add a cutsom playlist. Add more moves for each fighting style. Add more special moves. More different kinds of fatalities like in the old days(Friendships and what not). Make the moves more fluent(as in some super long serious kick !&%$@#* combos).
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: When I first put this game in I was expecting more of a fighting non-sports game. At first I was disappointed, but after about 5 minutes of playing it didn't matter cuz I was already addicted. The sports aspect of it actually turns out to make the game even more funner than what it would have been as just a fighting game. For every match 2 out of 18 teams go at it trying to throw a disc into a goal while literally pounding the crap out of each other. It's a multiplayer game which means endless fun between friends. Two modes (single match) and (conquest). In conquest you battle your way to the top of the league and if 3 of your friends want to help you get there, they can come into the game and leave the game whenever they want. With every win you get money and Unlock Credits. These go towards unlocking a multitude of things such as new players to add to your team, new teams, new arenas, and some new game options like multidisc. Mutlidisc puts 3 discs into play at once. Also during conquest mode you have a message screen that will tell you various things such as new players wanting to join your team, hidden teams challenging you, and experimental drugs that are offered to you. Gameplay is kind of confusing at first, which is why they have a Tutorial mode to help. Within minutes you'll have the hang of it and you'll be bashing some poor fools skull in.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent. The game runs smooth as silk and keeps a fast speed at the same time. The frame rates per second are constantly steady with NO slowdowns. Both the characters and the arenas are designed with expertise.
Audio: This aspect of the game makes puts it over the top. The players talk some serious !&%$@#* to each other before and during the matches. You actually have a taunt button where you can talk shit at will and each player says several different things. There is alot of cursing, especially when a team is losing. Now take the shit talking and combine it with the games customizable playlist that lets you play whatever music you have stored on your x-box. It's a world you will not want to leave for a long time.
Suggestions: Make it Live. Make a franchise mode where you can draft players. Make the playlist song limit larger than 24 songs.. or better yet make it unlimited.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10