MEMBER PROFILE FOR Haloandfevergod
Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 62
NHL Rivals 2004

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. You can pick your stratigy and this will be a very big factor in your game. If you play overload your going to have your team going after the puck overloading on offense, if you have the lead you can change your stratigy and play to win, not just break out on offense and attack but keep your defenders back.
Graphics: The graphics aren't amazing but there not to bad for a hockey game. The checks in this game look very good and the saves look well to, this is a great looking hockey game
Audio: The sounds in some of the arenas are very good like the coyatoes have the coyatoe noise going everytime they score its pretty funny some of the sounds are great but i think they need alittle more
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay in MM3 is really great ONLINE. offline all you can mainly do is cruise around two cities "D.C., Paris" and online you can cruise around with up to 8 friends along with modes like "checkpoint, Capture the Gold, Stayaway, Tag, Hunter" The replay value is amazing and every game you play will be different and fun
Graphics: The graphics for this game are not amazing but the maps are. They have a almost exact replica of Paris and Washington D.C. making this game very fun. The maps are huge and the graphics are sub-par but still very nice
Audio: The sound in this game can help you out alot, in games like tag/stayaway/Capture the gold you can hear people coming up behind you and you can dodge away. You can also custimize your sound track and listen to the your favorite songs
Suggestions: just make Midtown madness 4 :-)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Xbox Live = Great this game would be nothing to me if it didn't have xbox live the trading modes are ok but not reasonable i traded Zigmund Palffy for Jagr ya proud of me i think i got a deal :-)
Graphics: Crap thats just what i thought when i played for the first time ..... is there a way to change the camra or something because for some reason it looks like Playstation 2 garbage
Audio: i played this with the sound off but i could imagin commentary since i was actually saying it so i give it a 5 just because i was so good at the commentary
Suggestions: GRAPHICS!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: if you like racing games and you like to play all the time this game will float your boat if you don't get into a game if you suck at it then it will SINK you boat
Graphics: Graphics are alot better then the first one but could still use alittle work when it comes to graphics BRING ON THE HEAT
Audio: i like burning out and all that fun stuff (Music was ok) more then just SWEET HomE alabma :-) all and all it sould quality was nice
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: anyone who is everyone has this game and i correct i mean this game is loaded with action. if you don't like shooting games then ya can just pop it in go on live and Chat
Graphics: Love these graphics its not just that its the D/L contact avalible how there going to but out more visual effects( Maps ) and the lighting is great expectally for a Xbox Live game
Audio: HOLY SH!! is what i heard the first time i died :-) got me right into it and in survival mode you get cool music while you waiting (Stage Music) :-)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10