Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2

Gameplay: The gameplay for this game is excellent. There are many different racing modes which gives you a great choice of how you want to drive...including being a cop! Calling for backup, a roadblock, or a helicopter are all excellent aspecs. The way you have to unlock tracks and cars is a good idea as well. The NFS bank system is a winner! The handling is fairly good but the views could be better. They should have an in-car view that shows the dashboard and steering wheel.
Graphics: The graphics in NFS:HP2 exceed all other racing games out there for the XBox system. Both the cars and the environments are great improvements since EA's last NFS. The environments are extremely detailed in every way. The special effects are good as well. From the blinding sun at dusk to the exploding volcanos, its everything you could want from the graphics of a racing game as exciting and thrilling as this one. The one really neat thing is the variety of videos there are when you get "Busted"! You cannot get over the visual appeal of this game. This deserves only a 5.0 and nothing less!
Audio: The sounds of this NFS game are very advanced. The cop sirens, the screeching tires, and the talking cops. The roar of the engines could have been better as well as the horns! The horns are so plain. They need to jazz them up a bit. There just isn't a whole lot of realism in the sound but the overwhelming graphics, gameplay, and visual appeals are enough to drown out the slightly worse sounds. They are still good though...they just need a bit of work!
Suggestions: Take away the time limit for the "Be A Cop" mode!!! That is the one and only flaw that I could find for this game!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10