Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
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Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding

Gameplay: Amped's gameplay, is about a good as it could ever get, except for maybe two things. The first thing that it lacks of, is its realism towards rails. It is so easy to do a backside rodeo 540 on to a crooked nosepress on a chairlift cable to 270 to boarslide to tailpress to 900 mute off. Although its amazingly fun and crazy to look at (the board even flexes), it would be better if they would have left that ability out. The second thing is, oh wait, i'm sorry. There is no second reason...oh well. Another thing which Amped surpasses every other snowboarding game ever made, is the way the characters move around. The carving is so smooth as you spray snow around, and its so true like how in real life, after doing a quick 360 you tend to spin slower and just pray to god that you have enough air to finish the rotation.
Graphics: Truly spectacular and thats nothing. This game really shows how XBOX can kick every other system's A$$! But thers no surprise really, there always good on XBOX, so intead I will say all the little amzing things that are so unique. First of all the snow is insane. It even has sparkles that glitter, exactly like in real life. It also even has the marks of the when the trails have been groomed, and it clearly shows you snowboards trail. It has even more of these little things that are nice to notice, like the sun leaves the shadow after trees and even your player. I'm sorry but i'm going to have to stop now or else i'm going not going to stop at all.
Audio: First things first, over 200 songs including Electronic, Punk, Emo, Rock, Hip Hop, Rap, Ska, Raggae, Surf Rock and if thats not enough for you, theres also the ability to rip your own soundtrack to you hard drive. Another nice addition is that if theres a song playing that you really hate, theres always that wonderful white button that you can press which changes to the next track, i'm telling you, its so useful sometimes. For all the other things, like the characters growns, the sound real enough all though there not to important, and the wisecarcks from the photographers are although cheesy, give a laugh, and others really make you want to ram your snowboard into them. Another thing thats even funnier than jokes like 'Hey the camera still rolling, act like it hurt', is the really messed up sound the hidden snowmen make when you go near them, its so helarious.
Suggestions: You should amke more add ons to the career mode. Maybe something like Competitions(like Big Air, Slopestyle, Halfpipe etc..) and you should make the halfpipe mode better. You should also have a Heli boarding mode and make the career mode way longer not harder, just longer, its doesn't take 4 days to become pro u know. Another very important thing you should make, is some sort of style counter, sometimes I do insanely sweet moves, but get low points because it wasn't a 1080 rodeo.And for my final suggestion, I think u should make a button so that you can straigten out before you land a trick like in Shaun Palmers.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Just like all the other Tony Hawks, the controls are very easy to catch on to, and are very well layed out on the controller. The problem with the controls, is not really the controls...its the controller's fault. As you can see, the 4 buttons(a,b,x,y) are very close together, which causes alot of problems. You always find yourself slipping of the ollie button on to the grap button, which makes you grap on a low ollie which makes you bail because your not high enough. This can be very frusterating, because you might be gathering up your special to attempt to clear a big gap or do a special move and then you have to restart again, for nothing. However, there is a solution to every problem, and taht is just what i'm going to share with you. Your first solution, would be that you wait until April when the new XBOX controller S will come out, which is smaller then the original and has the 4 buttons spread out. Or if your one of those poeple who is always rushing, you can go pick up a mad catz controller, that looks really cool and has nice grips on the sides. But be aware, one of my friends told me that he bought a Mad Catz controller but said he took it back because the grips on the sides make it feel really uncomfortable, so theres something to think about the next time your on the way to the store.
Graphics: As i've mentioned before, for those of you that have played previous versions of Tony Hawks, you will notice the amazing difference in graphics and they will just blow you away, they are simply unbeleivable. A thing you have to be quite blind to not notice, would be the little pieces of uncut grass that you can see everywhere. Its really cool, and its something you probably won't see on any other system. Before I go on any further, I'm just going to state the fact right away so it doesn't bother with me anymore after reading other poeple's reviews. All the game reviews that you are reading, are all obviously for XBOX, so in my opinion we should have the 'Visual Appeal' part taken out. Why? you may ask. Well its simple, its XBOX, thats why. I will give anyone $20 if they can find a game for XBOX where they can honestly say it has crappy graphics. It just wouldn't make sense. So, therefore, This review of mine will be the last one were i will go on about the graphics, because I just don't need to.
Audio: One of the things in this game that I don't really enjoy, is the crappy wanna be punk music that takes over the soundtrack. I'm not really into punk, thats why I have a negative opinion towards it, but punk lovers, this is the soundtrack for you. However, besides the soundtrack, the sound fx are really good. The grinds sound like grinds and when the board lands hard, it sounds exactly like a real board smacking hard. Another thing that they can thinking on working on the skaters growns. When they fall, they make a cheap grunt that makes you laugh everytime you hear it. It would be cool if they recorded the actually skaters voices and made them say something that they would say in real life, They also record them bailing, that would be even sweeter in a realistically amzing way.
Suggestions: Make it longer and a more challenging, because once you beat the game you get bored of it(maybe an extra mode). You can also make the skaters sounds better and more realistic. Unlock other pro skateboarders. Also make an online option, it would be cool if we can have competitions against people all around the world in differents types of skating(vert,street and maybe big air). You should make different modes like Vert mode where it only foccuses on vert and a street mode where it only foccuses on street and so on. Another thing that would be cool, would be if you had like a Skateboarding School mode, where you would go to various skateboarding schools trying to complete the tasks to pass on to better schools, then reach your final goal, a professional Skateboarder. It would be like a professional Skateboarder mode, like in ESPN Winter X Games..and you would start off with nothing, and there would be money and you can go to skateparks and film and everything like that, you can really go far on a lot of things, and that would make a really sick game, i know it would be killer...cuz i'm a sk8er myself.And for another suggestion, maybe you can make a mode where it looks more at a skateboarders view of things. Like all the things like training and competitions and award ceremonys and even partys, but then again, i'm only dreaming.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10