Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 297
Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Gameplay: This, like most RPG's, starts out slow, but picks up and starts to snow ball once you get started. Combat is hard to get used to, at first, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. Spell casting is fairly easy, and in my opinion the best way to go. Though I found the spells to be lacking in variety, they do nicely. Controlling the camera is quite comforting, especially when dealing with the Ridge Racers or any target on elevated terrain. The pace of progress is completely up to you, if you just want to go through the game quickly, it's not to hard to find out what you gotta do next. But to get the whole Morrowind experiance, I suggest going everywhere, doing everthing, and talking to everyone.
Graphics: The visuals are simply beutifull. The vast land of Vverdenfell has alot to offer, and everwhere you go you'll find beuty. That pretty much sums it up.
Audio: The sound is great. From the musical score to the ambient noises. The sounds are very realistic, walking through the wilderness, you'll hear birds and other animals, pretty much what you would expect walking aroun in real life, if you lived in Morrowind that is.
Suggestions: LIVE! Make this a MMORPG and you're all set. With Morrowind gold coming soon, I hope, we can't ask for too much more.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Probably the best part of this game is the abbility to upgrade,
customize, and change every thing. If Mech Assualt was too slow for you, then this game is for you. Man, it's FAST! For weigh'n in at a couple tons, they can pull off some blistering speed, and they respond beutifully. The controls are pretty easy to get used to. Now the text dialog is extremely slow, unimportant, useless. Unless you really like getting to know evertyhing about everyone, you'll find yourself skipping it all together to get back to the game.
Graphics: The in-battle graphics and those of the 'mechs are great. The battlefields are nicely detailed. Though there needs to be more of both of these. The only part I felt that lacked in visuality, is in the dialog sequences. What's up with have'n text instead of voice? And the characters are like something you'd see on PS1, all 2-D. All in all, the graphics are appealing, it's Anime what more can be said.
Audio: ALOT of music to choose from, I still haven't checked all of it out. Geat use of the Dolby. The sounds of battle are also nice, crisp, and clear.
Suggestions: Parts 2,3, and 4 please! Put as much time in the character's graphics and VOICE'S as there was in the battle graphics and that of the 'mechs. More 'mechs, more battlefields, the addition of Live, keep the abbility to upgrade, customize, and build the 'mech from ground up, and more game selections instead of just VS and Quest modes. Like team battles and such. Add bots to the VS mode instead of just 1-on-1. Other than that, you have a great game that has the potiential to be a great series of games.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10