Average Overall Score Given: 8.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 8
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Gameplay: same as the rest of the metal gear solids for the Playstation. But splinter cell is gona woop it like no tomorrow played the demo for splinter cell and the controls are 10 times better .
Graphics: Better graphics that PS but its pretty much the same as the old ones.
But splinter cell ont he other hand is visually better than metal Gear solid. i mean it has so much bette rlighting effects and visual effects it makes you drool but meatl gear is horrid, it was a waste of a release they could of done somethign better but they are tryign to save metal gear solid 2 but cant cause it sucks.
Audio: The sound is ok but again im sticking to its the same as the old ones. But splinter cell sounds are way better foot steps peopel talking moving cats in ally ways and birds and just so many sounds.
Suggestions: MAke the gtame not so repetitive ands make it different fromt he others and less borrign and make the story better and just make it a good game. but sorry to say splinter cell is gona woop metal gears ass!!!!!!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Sweet graphics, controls. The scenery are great and so are the water effects man xbox has the water effects down pat.
Graphics: Sweeeet, best lookin fighterin along time.crispness. Breaticle jigglieness. its so sweet and so are the cinimatics are as great r even better than Tekken.
Audio: Sweet sounds each char has there own voice and the sound effects and music are sweet. Also wehn u smsh them through things its sound effects sweet glass breaking bricks breaking.
Suggestions: More Multiplayer options and i guess more hidden stuff
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is great , each car handles differently, the cars that are fast wehn they hit the dirt have poblems holding it straight. the game play is very addictive and multiplayer is so much fun also, specially when u unlock the mclaren's ^_^ very very nice. u cna also listen to your own soundtrac u created on ur xbox which is alos a plus.
Graphics: Graphics are spectacualr, smooth, reflections are so realistic, interior of the cars are detailed, driver of the car moves around and u can see him shift. you cna getr damage and when ur hood flops up u cna see the engine. very nice graphics and smooth non blocky.
Audio: Sounds pretty good like the different sounds of the engines and the sounds int he back round like u can here dogs barking go through the gas station and u will here a ding very nice and very realistic. but if ur like me u like to hear your music so your music is igher than the effects. But i have exprecinced it eithout the music going also. The sounnds are wounderful cops voices the chopper. its all so gloriouse.
Suggestions: cops screaming, cops not to give up so easy, should be four player compatible.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10