Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: The gameplay on this game is very good. The new passing system is ok could have used some more polish. Some of the passes become lobs when they shouldn't and the icon is still the best way to pass. The analog stick does help on fastbreaks. The computer AI is done very well but they make stupid mistakes like catch the inbounds pass outta bounds. The game is still very fun and addicting.
Graphics: WOW!!! The faces look so real. You can easily distinguish players apart from each other. Really cool. However, everything is still the same as last year, all the dunk and crossover animations are the same. Thats not all that bad it just feels exactly like last years edition. Everything else looks great, stadiums, crowd and replays are done well.
Audio: Overall sound is good. The announcers talk about certain plays as they happen. Players talk on the court which is cool in the street games. Game and half-time recaps are awesome as they talk about how you faired in the game. I was looking for more ESPN announcers and replays on "Sportscenter " after the game in season mode. Could have used more music on the menus.
Suggestions: Great game but is so close to being the absolute best. Game needs work on the passing system, players could use some more NEW animations, make more use of the ESPN liscense, (where is Stuart Scott's BOOOYAA) a create a dunk would be cool, as well as 3 point contest and dunk contest, one on one would be good. Not real important but adds to replay.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10