Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

The only problem i have with this game is the difficulty. It is somewhat immpossible to beat this game perfectly. But the great thing is that if you are creative,you can get out of anything that game throws at you!! I like how you can interact with the environment! The cover of shawdow is another added detail!
Gameplay: The control in the game is very easy to use. I found this to help alot. But the game has a tendency to be a little to challenging in the first levels and gets easier as you go.
Graphics: Wow! Thats all a person can say! these graphics are the best I have seen in my life! Just great graphics!
Audio: The sound was also very good! It was a way to connect with the game. The footsteps on the ground, the chatter of the gaurds, and the gunshots all were very realistic!
Suggestions: Take down the difficulty a notch!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was extremly unique. It was better than the original! You could gamble(ie. Roll it on Top, Perfect, One Shot, Big or Small,ect). There was also jobs that you could participate in, like helping out at gambling stands or moving crates at warehouses. Also, whenever you talked to somebody, you had an original conversation. You could even take pictures of yourself and then view them later. The game's only glitch is that the free roam controls were flawed. Sometimes you would slow down when you didn't want to.
Graphics: What else can I say except for amazing! It shows details down 2 a finger twitch and as compound as the slow-motion of when you knocked out your enemies.I liked how you could change the filter settings. This was pretty amuzing.
Audio: The sound was excellent!! Thats all I can say great job to the crew that worked with the sound effcts. But it did get a little annoying when you were moving the crates to here Dulin's moans over and over again.
Suggestions: Just allow for more range of movement(dont give bounderies at the edges of a path.)
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was phenominal. once i beat the game in easy, i just had to keep playin. i have now played for about 80 hours and i still love it!!!
Graphics: Great job!! great charcter models. the veichles look real!!!!! there is no frame rate issuses and it never slows down. Gore could use a little work t
Audio: really good soud effects!! gun shots sound real. voices soung real, and the backroud muic kicks ass.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10