Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Kakuto Chojin

Gameplay: This is probably the most realistic game that I've played since virtua fighter 4. In fact, this game is actually more realistic. Every punch and kick look like real martial arts moves. And every attack looks hurtful. This is a hard game though. People expecting the game to be like doa3 or soul calibur may get turned off when they play this game. For one reason, this game is not an extremely fast paced button mashing game like doa3. Kakuto Chojin actually requires some strategic fighting. This is an incredibly deep fighting game. Plus some moves are hard to do. Also, the computer begins to block your moves later on, especially when the game is put on hard mode. I found myself having to out think the computer a few times. But I like the way the game was approached. It feels very real. I espcially like the way the fights end. When the final hit is thrown, the game moves slowly and the camera turns around showing the angle of the kick or punch and the enemy falling down. And it makes a lot of sense.
Graphics: This is the best looking fighting game ever. No other fighter compares to this game in terms of visuals. None. Doa3 was the best looking fighter in town, but now it looks watered down. I made a funny. If you don't believe me, see the game yourself.
Audio: I love the sound. Some attacks sound like claps, but for the most part, they sound hard hitting. The way the fighters yell and moan when they get hit actually fit them. And I love the music. They fit the areas that the players are fighting in.
Suggestions: My only beef with this game was that they're not enough throwing moves in it. Also, I would've liked to have seen some wall slamming too. But still, this is an excellent game. You should definately make a sequel.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the way this game plays. Once in a while the game does get hard and some enemies start getting annoying, like the cupids, and that annoying dentist. But most of the time, the enemies are fairly easy to beat. Also, I like the controls. I felt right at home when I played this game. And I would like to comment about what Latex said about the camera. Dude, I don't know what your problem is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this camera. It works better than camera systems I've seen in a lot of games.
Graphics: The graphics are sweet. I love the way the characters look. I love the environments. You should see the way some areas turn from daylight to dark. Now that's nice. The water looks good too. Here's another comment I want to make to Latex. I know you were just giving your own opinion, but I think you need some glasses and contact lens at the same time if you cannot see how great this game looks on the xbox. Even though I sort of agree that Sega could've done more with the visuals, which is why I'm giving the game a 4.5 instead of a 5.0, I strongly do not think that the game was that bad looking to give the visuals a 3.0. And to say that the game looks like it was ported off the dreamcast is just ludicris. I think the game looks way better than it would've looked if it was on dreamcast. You need your eyes checked, man.
Audio: Now, if there was an area where the game falters a bit, it may be the sound. The game does have some nice sounds though, but sometimes I found the music to be a little bit drabby, and I begin to get sleepy. The music is cool, but you may not want to play it at night.
Suggestions: Try to make some nice, hipper, music.
Make some hardcore music too. Not that I hated the songs here, but they don't have that feeling to me like the music in jet set radio future did.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10