Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Dead or Alive 3

Gameplay: Simple as this... No other fighting simulation comes close to this fast paced action. Controls are very simple to learn, and the combos will leave you with your jaw to the floor and your eyes crossed together.
Graphics: Very awesome level's to play on. Very awesome player's to fight with. But it does lack the sharpness that, oh let's say Tekken 4 has. But it's still very good though.
Audio: Everything is here. From Jan Lee's loud Bruce Lee like screams, to all the glass shattering !&%$@#* flying up in the air and hitting the ground rumble. There really isn't anything more to put in a fighting game like this one. The music is cool to.
Suggestions: Nothing at all. Just come out with a Dead or Alive 4!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: These player models really do move like real life people, except for the fact that they move just a little bit on the slow side, and it is noticable. Whenever I was running the ball I hit a spin move, and it was like watching the guy in slow motion on a replay. As far as throwing the ball the computer is a little smarter than it has been, and they did a good job with the passing game this year. Bottom line, players move like they are covered in jello or something, but it's o.k.
Graphics: Very good player models and stadiums. I especially like at the beggining of a game when the players come out of the tunnel and run into the crowd. They could beef up some of the players a little, but overall these are some good graphics. Well, except for the faces, sometimes they just look too cartoony for me.
Audio: Good comentary and sound effects. I have no complaint here on really anything about the sound appeal. Football is football, as long as you have an ok commentary, a roaring crowd, and good sounding hits, I won't be complaining.
Suggestions: Speed up gameplay a little for next year. The moves that the players have on right on target, but they just don't have the right speed. Overall, great game, but watch for the cartoon look. Remember, your suppose to be getting more real-life each year, not sticking with the same thing over and over again.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay in this game is probably the most realistic aspect you will see in the game. Running the ball is great because it is easy to spin, juke, or stiffarm, but you have to know when to use these. The computer is smart, you think you have a hole in the line, when all of a sudden you didn't see that cornerback coming in on a blitz. Passing is o.k., could have slowed it down a little bit. Overall gameplay is better than that of Madden or 2k3.
Graphics: The only reason I am giving this category a low rating is because of the big player animations. The Q.B's look like they tackled on about 50-75 extra pounds during the off season. But other then that, I enjoyed the stadiums, weather, and the little details that were in play.
Audio: Commentary is a little too repetetive, but that is in every football game you play now days. It's no worse than Madden or 2k3.
Suggestions: Great football game, just work on downsizing the players a little bit. If you do that, I think a lot more people will enjoy the game since people now days look for graphics in the game before anything else. Otherwise, Fever 2003 should be a must own for anybody that loves football.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10