MEMBER PROFILE FOR larry_chimp_man
Average Overall Score Given: 7.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Gameplay: Control a Hitman, sounds cool in reality, right? Wrong! Hitman 2 is plauged by maps that are darn goofy and un-realistic. We all want a realistic Hitman sim. Plus the controls take a while to get used to.
Graphics: The graphics are shiny and good. They just suffer from being ported over from the PS2. Plus there is tons of clipping and akward poses and moves. The movement is a bit choppy.
Audio: The sound is probably the best part of the game. A great orchestra piece is the soundscape for a crappy game. Too bad.
Suggestions: Make it more realistic. Make it more like Mafia or Theif. Something like that.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: To make this short, this game is bland. No options, no hidden secrets, no sidestories (NO STORY ACTUALLY), A waste of time. Over soon but not sweet.
Graphics: The graphics are stunning. Great use of the XBOX visual capabilities. Good job in this category guys.
Audio: The sound is pretty bad. You should be able to rip your own tunes. Why wasn't this an option? (I forget there is no options menu)
Suggestions: Don't focus just on graphics!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is a mixed bag. You can explore Springfield in 7 seperate levels collecting cards that inform you of some of the many Simpsons episodes. Also you can follow the main missions that are quite fun and tedious. The missions are somewhat repetitive, mostly the same. You usually have to drive somewhere, collect something, or bash the hell out of a car.
The game has a great sense of humour and sticks to the show quite well. Even the head of Jebediah Springfield kan be kicked off, true to one of the episodes. Mostly great gameplay with almost no bugs.
Graphics: The graphics in Hit and Run are not ground breaking, but do the job nonetheless. Surprisingly, the game is not cel-shaded, the characters are actually 3-D. Some minor lighting effects are used for pickud items and doors and such, but other than that there are no other significant graphic boosts. There is close to no slowdown which is great!
One of the best things is that everything is as I would expect it to be in the Springfield universe. Buildings are the same colour as in the show and have all the right details. Great job here.
Audio: The sound is almost perfect. H&R has gotten all of the actors from the show to do the voice acting, which is a blast. Characters all have a few wisecracks which can get annoying, but tend not to do so that much. Also, each character has specific music for when they are in their car, which is pretty cool. Plus different locations around the town can trigger different music tracks.
Suggestions: -Add a free-roam mode with all of Springfield included.
-More characters to choose from
-More buildings you can enter
-Other than that, great game. Keep up the good work!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great. Goalies are a bit too good but other than that this gameplay is awesome. Also pinning is a good addition over NHL 2003.
The graphics seem sub-par. The players have good builds, but their faces just look horrible. Also the movement can be choppy at times.
Commentary is pretty good. Sometimes they really describe the play well and inform the player of career highlights.
Better Commentary and Graphics. And a total re-haul on the XBOX LIVE area of the game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10