Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: I just started playing, but with all the things to unlock I think I'll be at this one for sometime. Simple enough idea of a team death sport, but not simple enough to get boring. Tons of moves to preform like rolls, tackles, slides, jump kicks, throws and the list goes on. Scoring is fairly easy until you crank up the difficulty and then it should keep even veterans on their toes.
Graphics: Beautiful, smooth graphics, flawless movement, I knew my hunch was right on this one. Crisp contact in fights and the slowdown during some throws is supurb, it doesn't happen so often as to get in the way of gameplay but it's there when you don't expect it, just awesome.
Audio: Nice commentary before the fights, kinda cheesey but well placed. Great music and the sound effects don't get repetetive like you might think they would in a fighting game.
Suggestions: Awesome, don't change anything, just build on it!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ok, so the "Plot" would be better if it weren't there. Its really underdeveloped and the voices just plain creep me out. It's a racing game, just keep it to that. The controls are smooth as butter, though it takes a little while to get used to the powerslide which is quite different, but not worse, than that used in other games. Lots of extras like time match against your own ghost which, oddly enough, can provide a good hour of entertainment.
Graphics: Incredibly smooth, NEVER the slightest hint of slowdown. You couldn't swing a dead cat in there without hitting something bump-mapped or pixel shaded. The water effects are just surreal, especially those on the camera from the rain, simply the best. And the camera blur that you get at high speeds is a very nice touch also.
Audio: A little disappointing, when I heard that the soundtrack was going to be similar to wipeout I was exstatic, I loved the wipeout music. But QRs soundtrack is way to melodious for a racing game, it should have more base and oomph to it, like wipeout. And as I previously mentioned, the voice overs are pretty bad and, well, they just give me the willies
Suggestions: better music, tweak the weapons system to allow a bit more customization and for the LOVE OF GOD get rid of those voice overs!!! =)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Again, 4.0 because there was NO MULTIPLAYER, what happened? I heard this game was to have massive multi-player madness, and then poof, nothing, that was a real shame. Can you image running through the game w/ atleast one other person, covering you back; Or having a huntress provide cover fire or the druid extending her magic shield to protect you both from a hail of arrows? That would have made this game kick-ass.
Graphics: Astounding, the detail, the movement, the complete lack of ANY slow down. My hat goes off to you Starbreeze.
Audio: Awesome music and atmosphere, could have used a change in the weapon sounds now and then, especially in a linear hack'n'slash. For example the sound of a sword on Metal/Wood/Stone is always the same.
Suggestions: -Multiplayer PLEASE!
-Differing sound effects
-Visuals were PERFECT, don't change a thing!!!! =)
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10