Average Overall Score Given: 7.40000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Sega GT 2002

Gameplay: I like driving, lol. Too little cars in this though, but I'm happy to see that they have the 02 Civic Type R. Engine parts can brake now. Now that is a pain in the !&%$@#* cause you gotta use more money.
Graphics: Beautiful. A little better than Gran Turismo 3 in my opinion. Still the cars look real. I hated when the sun in your face, too realistic there, lol, but it looks good.
Audio: Sound is really good. Like the sounds to the car, but when you buy new stuff for it, can't really tell. The stupid part is when you drive in the dirt or hit the wall, it's sound ridiiculous.
Suggestions: Add cool stuff like a wheel shop(maybe I didn't look) and add a feature to make it big or small(16 to 18 inch). Add a body shop(put stickers, window tint, spoiler shop)
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The guns are the same but I like them. The new gun system is hot(two kinds of weapon in one). The best part about Turok is the blood. All there is, is blood. Like that alot. But it's the same to me.
Graphics: The graphics are crap, I mean it they didn't even use Xbox's cababilities. On PS2, they didn't use ps2's cabilities. The plants look so !&%$@#* fake. Very mad about that.
Audio: Sound is okay, like the gun noises. Hated when the enemies talk, it gets annoying. The sound is probably the best feature in Turok.
Suggestions: Take more time on building a good game. If you make another part, I say quit, if not take at least 2 years making it to be a classic.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: HAHAHAHA, so boring. When you attack something, it doesn't even look like your're attacking it. I don't even wanna type about the spell efects.
Graphics: The graphics are probably the only good feature in it. Very cool bummp=mapping effects. The spells look corn though.
Audio: Sound is boring, put on some of your own music, you'll get sleepy listening to Morrowinds. The spell sound effects of it sound so stupid.
Suggestions: Don't make another part!!!!!!
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: OH MY GOD!!!!!!! This game is so fun, I love playing Coop. mode on legendary level with my brother. Multi player is also fun especially playing on the big stages. I love using the Ghost and the truck. I can never get bored of this game.
Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. On stage Halo, I always go over to the waterfall and stare at it, and also the sun. Barely never any slow down. The bumb-mapping in it are great!!!!!!!
Audio: Sound is great!!!! I love listening to the aliens talk, it's funny especially the little dudes, the bigger one with the shield sounds funny. The gun soud effects are so realistic. I like hearing the handgun the most.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the gameplay to it, hack and slash type game. Shoot and monster, shoot a monster, etc... but it gets repetitive.
Graphics: The graphics are hot in this. A little slow down when there's too much monsters on screen. Characters look great and the buildins too.
Audio: Sound is very excellent in this, love the gun noises. The only problem I have is when the music come on, I think it should stay on.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10