Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Conflict: Desert Storm

Overall: well its a joke the sounds are pathetic little dings would of sounded better it was truly a pos2 looking game i mean this game would of rocked had it been an xbox exclusive then they could of used anti aliasing deep color and made awsome sounds with the xboxs amazing sound card that is the only one in the worl to use dolby digital 5.1 in realtime this game is a pos that has pos2 graphics

Gameplay: im sorry i dont mean to rank on graphics so much but if i cant feel like im in he game with awsome real to life graphics it ruins all other things and remember guys us xbox users expect alot more o ut of games like tom clancys splinter cell metal gear solid 2 substance which we get 4 months sooner then the pos2 users

Graphics: need i say more pretty much explained it with everything else i said horrible pos2 quality it is a bad game

Audio: as bad if not worse then the graphics truly crapy you can tell they had to make it bad to work on the pos2

Suggestions: make it an xbox exclusive use the power it has to make a deep and awsome game

Overall Score: 4.0 / 10 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Overall: wow HITMAN 2 i honestly didnt thik they could beat the first one wwhich was only fr pc it blew my ming in 2000 and this game is just an amazing chilling game great great story truly awsome

Gameplay: oh so fun stabing sliting throuts double barreling mottherfoesduel 45 whatever the game is awsome period YOU ARE THE HITMAN

Graphics: breathtaking absolutly awsome it reallly makes you feel like you are in a mobster revenge movie it is awsome man awsome

Audio: oh you have to hear this the guns sound so real hearing bullets hit the bodies and even the music is great deep the game is deep

Suggestions: none

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL Fever 2003

Overall: honestly an awsome football game te best iv ever seen i rented sega 2k3 and madden 2003 honestly this game whomps em so much put into it realistic movment godly graphics seroius this football game is the stuff and you know why peaple give it bad reviews because it had alot of simularits to 2002 you kow what 2002 looks better then madden and 2k3 2002 was absolutly amazing so they gave it way better graphics which are way noticeable the new season ability to make your own players and team and play it online so what are you guys talking about this game is everything i expected

Gameplay: awsome first rate makes all others it women seroiusly top notch gameplay hits that are amazing you have to repeat them over and over
mocap features that were only for the bad !&%$@#* box which is advanced motion capture that is way being even computers right now it is amazing

Graphics: awsome halo quality for a football game and it is mind blowing truly the football game to get helmet relections are dead on and the size of the player look on xboxs site one of the big advertisements were how the players are exactly the size they are in real life they even desighned real personalitys to them and touchdown moves this game is awsome with realism beyond other games awsome trust me

Audio: amazing the peaple they allow to review are gimped they should be shot man this games annoucers are amazing allways putting out realistic quotes and tounts for the occasion they had the real announcers desighn what they say check thay out on

Suggestions: just make a fever 2003

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Sega GT 2002

Overall: best racing game ever period i eman this game has everthing including graphics that make my computer its little girl and i have a bad p4 2.53 gig with a geforce 4 ti 4600
this game in everyway is amazing and oh my god the graphics oh man you woll swear your in real race man its insane each car handles perfect and i mean perfect to factory specs i mean there is even the ability to put your car up for sell instead of just taking it to the factory and take offers refuse and take higher offers from the public and ther are so many costomizatios down to buying used parts when you cant afford new

Gameplay: best gamplay you could amagine i mean i really want to know how htey do it and you know what ther is still so much that killer geforce 3 ti 500 modifed with duel vertex shadders like the geforce 4 in the xbox and that thing will continue to kill all games in graphics like this one did because comuters use half ther power running media and windows extensions man the xbox is a pure rock solid gaming machine and the gamplay in this game is so awsome and advanced they really wanted to kill all other racing simulations

Graphics: huh this game has the best visuals of any game to date yeah im seriuos trust me i have a godly computer with a geforce 4 ti 4600 im graphaics freak and not even any pc game has nothing on this by a long shot this game is truly amazing all i can say is wow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Audio: oh and the sound every car sounds so real chevy v8s sound exaclty like checy engine would i figured with a game this amazing they would have to lack on sound not even close this game is truly perfect

Suggestions: nothing perfect fellas perfect

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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