Total Reviews: 4
Average Overall Score Given: 9.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Overall: The regular part of the game is a little better than average even if your not a huge star wars fan. The xbox live part is great. see discription below.

This game is right up there with mechassault for xbox live games and will get as much play from me. All modes are very fun to play

Gameplay: Like I said the gameplay on non multipayer is a little above average. The XBOX LIVE part is great. There are 4 modes of play.

Acadamy (Co-op) where waves of ememys come at you and you earn points by killing enemys.

Duel. A team or individual game. Where you can fight every one on there own or as teams.

Conquest. A team game where the objsctive is to take out the other teams headquarters. This is the most polished of the online games. If I explained this entire mode I would probobly hit the 5000 word limit.

Control zone ( king of the hill) where you try to hold a circle in the center of the map. This can be played individual or team just like duel.

Graphics: This game could of looked a lot more polished on the xbox. The game play makes up for that though. Some of the fog and dust effects look very good though.

Audio: The sound is great in this game. As with any other game that supports dolby digital. This game is good in this department.

Suggestions: You need to be able to continue play with the same players after you have finished a match in live. I've heard there is suppose to be a patch coming for this soon. After that is fixed I believe this will be one of the top couple xbox live games.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 MechAssault

Overall: The campain mode on this game is Average. I've played I'd guess about half way though it. The xbox live portion need a lot of work. I'll talk about that later.

Gameplay: Like I said the campain was good but the xbox live part sucks. I'm not bad at this game but it just all ways seems you end up running around in circles trying to shoot each other. I've been playing on xbox live from the end of september and I've played every game that was a beta and the released version to date and this by far is the worst xbox live interface. please send an update for all of the problems.

Graphics: The graffics are good but can be to much at times. It would be nice if there wasn't so much smoke...

Audio: the sound on this game is amazing in dolby digital. the explosions to the sound of all the mech are very well done.

Suggestions: You need to fire the moneys that wrote the code for the xbox live portion of this game. It stinks to have to send an invite to the person you just finished a game with. You need to be able to see who is close to you on the scoreboards and not jst the top 100. You need to be able to see the name of the person who is talking, it can be very confusing when you have 8 people shoting at each other. Please make an update or this game is going to crash and burn. And I'll be playing un real and ghost recone

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 MotoGP

Overall: my eyes are blood shot. and my thumbs have no feeling left in them. I have had more fun on with this game thatn any other on the xbox.

Gameplay: 16 people at a time racing each other and all ways trying to beat your best time. being able to tell someone to get the hell out of your way because your about to blow thier socks off with your custom bike. This game rules. XBOX LIVE RULES!!!!

Graphics: rain drops on your screen when you race int the rain and the mist coming off your back tire look amazing. Its hard to tell your not watching a race the game looks amazing.

Audio: Hook your xbox up to your reciever and crack up the sub. when the lighting strikes and the thunder cracks on this game your dog will be craping its pants. You will be looking out the window to see if its raining.

Suggestions: Moto gp 2. You need to be able to start rooms where only the top 100 ranked guys can race in. Keep up the good work.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL 2K3

Overall: First off, if you have an X-Box why would you want madden 2003. If EA doesn't want to support X-box live they can keep their games.

Gameplay: The gameplay is excellent. I like that they have made the game a little harder than there previous games.

Graphics: very good. 100 time better that fever 2002. every player on the game doesn't run the same. you rarely see the same tackle.

Audio: The sound is excellent. For anyone that owns an xbox and a good reciever, You need to buy the kit with an optical output so you can hear this game in dolby digital. Just for this game. AMAZING!!!!

Suggestions: The only thing that could use some work is the crowd. Keep up the good work Sega. And thank you for supporting xbox live so I can kick some butt as soon as it gets started.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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