Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 77

Gameplay: The gameplay is very similar to No Mercy and the other wrestling games like No Mercy, and that's a good thing. It feels very natural and keeps the action uninterupted.
Graphics: This is once again the best part. The graphics are like I said the best of any wrestling game to date. Spectacular lighting, Crsip textures, Detailed characters, everything. This is a graphics whore's dream come true.
Audio: The sound in the game is great as well. The music and entrance songs are right on, the only downfall is the corny match music, bt I like to turn that off anyway.
Suggestions: Add backstage, Music ripping, Story mode, Variety, and you've got the best wrestling game ever. Oh yeah, that is Raw 2:)
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty straight forward. Basically its the standard RPG control scheme, only with horrible fighting.
Graphics: The only real pretty thing in this game is the water, which at some times can be breath taking. When it rains, and you see the water ripple with effects, its truly amazing to see how far games have come.
Audio: Once again, the stroms are the best part. The thunder booms, and has scared me quite often when im not alert. It's the little touches like this that make a game great.
Suggestions: TEST YOU GAMES MORE THOROUGHLY! You have taken what would have been a great great game that myself and others i know would never stop playing, and turned it into somewaht of an unenjoyable experience due to the bugs. One cannot even walk around without constantly worry about saving the game for the next dirty disc error so you don't lose all of your progress. Even worse, I know people who have had thier game TOTALLY erased from it freezing in the middle of saves.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very solid. The controls have been updated a bit from last years version, and it it much more responsive.
Graphics: This is most likely the best part of the game. This football game is the most realistic looking game out right now. The player models are great, their faces still need a little work, but they did throw a few more in there.
Audio: I have had a couple annoying sound gltiches, which is apparently a problem with some of the games, maybe it is a disc problem or something, I dont know. The ocmmentary is MUCH improved over last year, and better synced with the action of tha game as well.
Suggestions: Yes, dont listen to the idiots saying the game si a joke, it is not. This game is the best football game out.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10