Reign of Fire (Original Xbox) by bam! Entertainment

Reign of Fire (Xbox) by bam! Entertainment Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: August 15, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.75 / 10

Many of you are asking yourselves, is this just another movie to video game failure? The answer sadly enough is yes. Movies are notoriously bad for failing to port successfully to video games, and this one is no exception."

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Reign of Fire for Xbox is set in dramatic scorched landscapes sometime in the near future. The scarred and devastated landscapes are a result of fierce battles between humans and dragons, two species competing for survival. As the story goes, twenty years ago a group of workmen unwittingly awakened the last of the great dragons from its slumber deep below the Jubilee Line extension to the London Underground. Reproducing at an alarming rate, mankind was quickly subdued by its offspring and the face of the planet changed into a wasteland of ash and decay. Bands of humans now huddle together in the few remaining dwellings trying to survive the best they can, yet always watchful for an attack from above. Some resistance exists, but not much as most are just living a day at a time.


Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Cheat Codes

      How to unlock Level Skip:
Go to the main menu and press X, Black, Y, Black, X, White, Y.
      How to unlock 2X Damage Mode:
Go to the main menu and press X, Black, X, Y, X, White, X.
      How to unlock Invincibility:
Go to the main menu and press White, X, Y, Black, X, Y, Black.
      How to unlock Cheat Mode:
Go to the main menu and press X, Y, White, Black, X, Y, X.

User Reviews

Score: 68
Overall User Average: 7.00 / 10 (67.5%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.67 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.00 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.67 / 10
Megaherz *RAGE*
Date reviewed: March 18, 2003.

Overall: When a London tunneling project awakens an unearthly fire-breathing beast
from centuries of slumber, all hell breaks loose. A twelve years old boy named Quinn,
discover the first dragon and thereafter sees his mother, one of the worker, die trying to escape
this new terror in the same time as him. The year is now 2024. In just a few decades the human race has
found itself on the verge of extinction. Now only a small number of
human outposts remain scattered around the globe, and they must defend
themselves from constant attacks from Earth's new dominant species:
Dragons. In fact, twenty years after the incident with his mother, as a fire chief, Quinn tries
to keep a group of refugees alive with fierce dragons dominating the air, burning the land
and feeding on the ash. Unexpectedly, Van Zan, a hotshot American militia
leader, shows up with a ragtag group of slayer on a perilious crusade
to hunt down and destroy the beast. Tempers flare when there is a struggle
for leadership, until both men realize only one species is getting out alive.
I think it's time to fight fire by fire !
In conclusion, Reign of Fire is based on the supposed scorching blockbuster movie of
the same name, but as it always goes, the movie is quite better than this ridiculous
game that can't even touch the dead line. Everything is horrible and there is no way
to rent it, but if you want to know what is real pain and suffering, it's a good choice.
Gameplay: In Reign Of Fire, as a one of the Kentucky Irregulars, led by Denton Van Zan, you must press
A to accelerate, X to break, Y to flip view and B to use your secondary fire. Also the left
trigger is used to fire you primary weapon and the right one to fire some minigun. Finally
if you want to aim at those powerful beast, you must use your left thumbstick.
As a dragon, you must press X to brake, A to accelerate or double tap to use a speed surge, Y to pick up
a convoy and B to flip view. Also, with the right trigger you can shoot fire ball and with the
left one a napalm devastating breath. Finally, for the dragon, you can evade left or right with
the thumbstick.
There is only three things you can really enjoy in this game, one of them is the convoy
that is occasionally with you because you really feel the last hope of humanity when everybody dies and the cover
they done make more and more action, but there aren't always there so you must be patient because a bunch of levels
are really frustating, so much frustating that you will put down the controller in three or
four missions. Just check the one with the firetruck when you are always on fire and where you will retry five or six times
to really understand that the lack isn't a great idea to extinguish yourself.
Also every mission is repetitive
because you always pass through the same part in a mission or another, what an economy for the texture and for
your brain cell. As a example, you are on a beach on the fifth levels of the human race and the fourth one of the dragon
is on the same beach. Is it supposed to be complementary or what ?
Also the possibility to use multiple vehicule is a good feature, the whole includes a buggy, a tank, a
jeep and a fire truck. In fact, it supposed to be great but i got so much difficulty to speed
up or climb a hill that this feature became tedious.
Naturally, the dragon's mission are a plus but considering that you must pass through
nine paintful human levels to try the dragon one, nobody will have the patient to try it.
Finally, if you got any courage to try the story, you will automatically see that there is no
skill menu, so you must pass through all the levels on normal and at the ends it give no lasting appeal.
Of course, there is a medal award to bring a bit of lasting appeal, but between us,
we all know that it's sometimes a way too hard for an average gamers and habitually
didn't unlock nothing on the game, so why i should try to increase my brain
and my skill potential to gain nothing, and
Why i got no medal on the fire fight mission when i was supposed to pick up the villager
to the base, not to kill down the beast ?
Then you will notice that the collision impact is the badnest ever seen on video game because when it arrives
you vehicule rebounds like a pinball ball, so much unrealistic.
Let finish with the worst feature ever ! I know that there are dragons, so they must spread some fire breath on us, but
it get so much frustating when you burn and sometimes there is no way to avoid an unquestionable death like finished as a
frying chicken. As an example of frustating moment, here there are : when you go on a lack you can drown, when
you search for a pipe it get hard to go below it and the barrels aren't always working.
To conclude and add somethings, the cinematic are too limited, the related song is boring, in
fact there is nothing great, don't be so surprise if i rented Dynasty Warriors 3 in the same week-end.
Graphics: Using grim, apocalyptic landscapes savaged by fire and destruction, the environments show essentially
large polygonal stretches of land, with few details to cover them. The human structures are much more detailed,
especially the military barracks, castle remains, and the vehicles themselves. The colour seem to be restricted
to brown and black. The definition of clip art is unfinished and the video were just a copy of the movie without any
translation movie to three dimension like what we were able to see in The Lord Of The Rings : The Two Towers.
All goes with a smooth framerate and nothing more !
Sound: I already talk about the fact that i discover the different with the dobly digital and sterio with my new home theater,
so i just mention it againt to, of course, remind you. To summarize the sound i can say that it was basic, a couple of
breath fire here, bullet sound there and the annoying voice of Van Dan over there. There is also a mistake in the sound,
sometimes Van Zan is telling you that you are leaving the mission area but you there with him or you are following the
right path, so in my mind he must s-h-u-t up and let me do the d-a-m-n work !
Suggestions: No more game, i can't take more of this !

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: January 13, 2003.

Overall: Word to the wise. This game is NOT for newbies to gaming. If you are new to the gaming genre, then DO NOT get this game. Extremely hard and difficult missions create much frustration :) However, that being said, it was a rather fun game to play. Purchase? I don't think so. There is no multiplayer (which would have been cool), so once the game is beat (which can be done within a rental period), there is really no replayability.
Gameplay: The game itself was fun, but I'll admit that I was rather disappointed that I had to play and beat most of the human missions in order to play the dragons. Now the dragons are GREAT fun. That is prob the most fun part of the entire game. That being said, the human campaigns are not that bad either. But I think that the whole appeal of this game is the ability to play something in a game that has not been done before, a dragon. It is a bit frustrating however, when Van Zan dies and you cannot control where he goes. Stupid lout just plows right up to the dragon and then screams for help when he dies :) Something else that really bugged me is the sights on the guns and such do not move quickly enough. A dragon comes barrling down on you and you can't spin around fast enough with the sight to attack in a full 180 or so :( As I said before, the dragons are great fun to play with. But the game would have been much better if there was a multiplayer aspect to it. Imagine two ppl beating on each other with dragons or human vs dragons. Oh well.... I can dream can't I? ;)
Graphics: Graphics were very nicely done. However, I was very disappointed with the ending. It lasted about 15 seconds or so and it was just clips from the movie :|
Sound: Sound was great as well. The roar of the dragons, the guns and tanks. All sounded very realistic and not hokey like some games can be like.
Suggestions: MULTIPLAYER! That would have been too cool. Dragons vs humans, dragons vs dragons. Man, that would have been great and would have made for a keeper. Make the sights move much faster, to be able to keep up with the dragons.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 26, 2002.

Overall: This was a suprise Christmas gift, I expected it to be quite bad, but I really like it. Of course I liked the movie, and it doesn't try to "replay" the movie, thank goodness. It would make a great rental, or purchase if you love killing dragons with a 50 cal.
Gameplay: I dont think you can start as a dragon, you probably have to unlock that. As a human you drive around and shoot at flying (and some small walking) dragons.
Graphics: The dragons look cool, and the terrain has a burnt appearence to it. Really not too bad. It's freaky to see a shadow of a dragon zoom over you, then look up and see the beast.
Sound: Nice

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

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