STAFF REVIEW of Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Xbox 360)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
by Brent Roberts

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Box art TA-DA! Who dares summon the master of glib, the deliverer of one-liners and the shogun of sarcasm? Oh wait, it's just the loyal followers of XboxAddict probably looking for their stolen review of Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. Well let me tell you something, Deadpool lives by the phrase "finders keepers", and since my plans got foiled in an earlier review of a spidey game, so I took my revenge and now the review is mine! hahahahaha... wait, the cameras weren't rolling? Ugh...

Ok kiddies gather around and uncle Deadpool will tell you a story of combat, of overcoming obstacles, of triumph, of failure, of ME! Now earlier when I said stole this review, what I meant to say was that XboxAddict let me ummmm.. borrow.. yeah that's it.. borrow this review so that I may educate you on why I'm the greatest, or at least what the good and bad points are in this game. MvC3 is the third installment into the MvC series and this highly anticipated title has many reasons to rejoice, and sadly has areas that need some improvement on.

However, one problem uncle Deadpool has that I have to mention straight away is that I was promised a character in the game 40 feet high with lasers coming out of his hands that could take out anyone and anything and did Deadpool get it? Noooooooooooo, in fact Deadpool isn't 40 feet tall and have laser beams shooting everywhere, in the game Deadpool is made out to be a short guy with a small bulge. Is that fair? I say no! Instead they give it to this guy who apparently eats planets and has a tuning fork for a helmet. How is that any better? (Deep breaths....) Ok now back to the game.

Our story begins as Doctor Doom and his team of evil baddies attempt to join forces with Albert Wesker to unite the worlds and conquer both. As usual, nothing goes according to plan and during this great debacle some great big purple planet people eater comes out of nowhere and tries to eat the planet. Well yours truly isn't going to let some big guy with munchies take over and win so that's when we all team up... to fight each other so... we can fight him. Simple, yes?

One of the staples of the MvC series has always been the graphics and how MvC games have always been incredibly fast and over the top with their quality. MvC3 sets a new bar in this series just in graphics alone. The new character modeling is amazing and provides some of the best graphics we have seen in a fighting game. Most of your favorites return and everyone has a new and improved look, including uncle Deadpool! Seriously though, you have any idea how hard it is to find a joint that'll serve a guy in a mask and bandolier? They won't even let me into Taco Bell! Fluid graphics is what would make or break this game in the graphics category and in MvC3 your eyes will be amazed as you witness the many graphically impressive special moves fly all over the screen in the blink of an eye.

Something though didn't sit right with uncle Deadpool and that was you could only play a few stages and that there was hardly any stage interaction at all. The stages that they do have are done beautifully, however, with all the different characters you would think that one thing that they had a lot of were stages right? I did. Also with all these new improvements to the graphics, why couldn't we have any multi stages or stage interaction. I can tell you now that I'd get a kick throwin that grumpy maple leaf wolf through that big spidey balloon hahahaha. One of the things that make the MvC games a classic success is the music.

The MvC series has always prided itself on producing music that delivers the final shot of adrenaline to your heart as your slam down the buttons to attack and I'm happy to say that the tradition continues. During the matches you will hear individual character audio themes that will help bring your blood pressure up as you prepare for a wuppin. This is perfect as MvC3 gives you some remixes of the classic tracks throughout the series with a sprinkle of new audio gems. Something that surprised uncle Deadpool was how they have the characters give some audio voice overs that are varied between taunts and generalized statements of superiority. They even stole some of my best one liners! The voice acting along with the sound effects are done very well and adds a little cherry to the top of this audio cake.

The gameplay in the MvC series has always been easy to just pick up and play, but incredibly difficult to master. In MvC3 they have added a new twist to the control scheme by completely remapping the buttons to a light, medium, heavy, special attack scheme instead of sticking with the famous two punch and two kick style. What this means is that Capcom has decided to try to tone down the learning curve by completely changing the controls around. Is that fair?? Oh and if you are still having trouble mastering the controls the people at Capcom have installed a new control style called "simple". So now not only can you execute moves and special attacks easier, but you feel like you have to wear a dunce cap while you play.

The gameplay though is incredibly smooth and has included new additions to enhance the experience such as air juggles where now you can switch to your other team members by pressing any direction on the pad and your special attack button. There's more to it though as your opponent can counter that if they push the same direction on the pad as you do, so be smart or it could turn out badly for you at the end. Oh and did I mention how all this wonderful gameplay blazes through your screen at lightspeed? Yeah this game is amazingly quick. While some of the new players to the MvC series may see this game's gameplay as a good thing, hardcore fans of the series may feel that Capcom dumbed down the controls.

There are some issues that did get uncle Deadpool hot under the collar. For starters the roster has almost been cut in half from 56 playable characters down to 36 and four of them are locked. I think for a game that is trying to stand out and excel, dropping the roster by 20 and cutting some of the iconic figures like mega man, venom and more was a mistake. Who's going to argue against Deadpool right? There are some new characters and some of your favorites do make a return, however despite the slash of the roster the game still feels balanced.

Another issue that hurt this game was the feeling that they could have done more, but for some reason hadn't. Over the years the Capcom Vs series have implemented some amazing innovations, yet for MvC3 they seem to have come up short. MvC3 could have easily brought us a survival mode, a spectator mode where we can view the matches ongoing online, alternate endings, extra stages, more characters, but for some reason none of these things are included.

Ultimately MvC3 offers an amazing experience for your eyes and ears, however, with the new mapped control style and absence of many possible features and additions, this game is an example of something that could have been great, but now is just ok. For a fighting game to stand out it has to capture the wow factor and has to find a way to maintain it, however while MvC3 delivers the wow with the audio and graphics, the vast majority of hardcore fans will see this as half the game it should have been.

There are some aspects that make Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds great, however, with some of the other choices out there in the fighting game genre, one would be hard pressed to say that this one is the best. It's quite a disappointment though, because when we all got to see this game from its beginning stages we thought that we were witnessing the birth of what could have been one of the greatest fighting games of all time, instead we are left with a shell and something that will probably be milked for its DLC add-on's. Is this a resurrection in the Marvel Vs Capcom series? Unfortunately no.

More characters (that are not paid for by DLC), more stages (that are not paid for by DLC), more features such as survival mode, spectator mode and more. A 40' high Deadpool with laser beams coming out of his hands and a blonde supermodel at his side.

Overall: 8.5 / 10
Gameplay: 8.0 / 10
Visuals: 9.0 / 10
Sound: 8.5 / 10


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