Preview of Blur

by Randal SantiaMarch 16, 2010
Lets take Project Gotham Racing, Mario Kart, and mash them together... what would that be? Yup that's right! Princess Peach driving around in BMWs on the streets of London! Wait no... That's not right! Actually it's Bizarre Creations newest racer "Blur".
I was lucky enough to get a beta key for the multiplayer beta they are having right now, and I must say I'm having a blast. The game takes the racing aspects and controls of PGR, and adds the familiar power-up/attack item system that we've come to love from Mario Kart and does a pretty good job of blending them all together. The online mode is just pandemonium! Especially when you're in a race with 19 other people, blowing people up, countering the attacks of others, dropping mines and flying high!
Also they've added in a sort of "perks" system into the game whereas the more you drive and the better you do, the more cars and modifications you unlock. Things like extra shields, extra strength or an extra power-up to start the race. All of which you can tune and re-tune before each race begins.
The perks and cars are unlocked by getting more Fans. What I really like about the way they've done fans is that you don't need to win the race to get fans. They've built a system that allows you to get as many, or more fans by doing cool things like drifting the longest, being accurate with shots, shooting someone WHILE drifting, to full on being a bully and blowing people off the track. One race had all 8 of us going after one power-up that does a little "radius blast" which knocks everyone around you flying. The key was the power-up was on the top of a hill with nothing but water on each side of the track. We all go to the hill and one of us grabbed it, not me :(, and all you saw was 7 sets of break lights trying to avoid what was coming next... all 7 of us being shunted into the water, and the cackling of the one guy who got the power up. Needless to say he made some Fans that race.
You can also hit up our forums, all players involved in the beta got some extra codes, so you might be lucky enough to pick some up from there!
All in all I'm excited to see what this game is going to deliver. I'm expecting to spend lots of time with the multiplayer once it ships. Look for it on May 25th!