Preview of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 Box art

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010

by Rick Wallace

August 30, 2009

Are You Ready??? I said, Are You Ready!!!! Well, if you are not, it’s time to get ready for the impending release of THQ’s newest addition to the Smackdown vs Raw Series. Yes, that’s right folks, Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is just around the corner and set for an October 20th release date in North America and the 23rd for Europe. THQ is using the tagline “It’s Your World Now”, and for good reason. The fine folks at THQ invited us down to Los Angeles to unveil the new SVR 2010 and its great new features. We attended a press conference detailing the new features, and then attended a reception where we were able to mingle with WWE Talent as well as get hands on with the actual game. To finish off the weekend, we attended the WWE’s SummerSlam being held at the Staples Center on Sunday night which began with a promo of the game. But enough about that, I am here to let you know what’s in store for all of you SVR and WWE fans! I’ll say it right now, you will not be disappointed.

Did you realize that this was the 11th title in the Smackdown vs Raw series? That definitely shows that they are doing something right, coupled with the fact that over those 11 years THQ has sold over 46 million units. That makes SVR the #1 fighting game in North America hands down. As we go into SVR 2010, the folks at Yukes and THQ wanted to expand upon the series and give the community more of what it has asked for over the years. From what we witnessed in the game announcement press conference, most gamers will be overjoyed at all of the new features and customization that the title will now offer.
 The SVR series embarks on all new territory when it comes to community interaction and downloadable content. We’ve all seen how successful Microsoft’s Forza 2 Car Designer features have been, and THQ is now taking that whole innovation one step further. Not only will you be able to create wrestlers and finishing moves for other community members to download, but an all new Create-A-Storyline mode allows you to upload your “screenplay” for others to participate. Oh yeah! THQ is delivering huge to the community, and I am not sure they even know or can be prepared for what the community is going to do with the new upload options. You literally are going to find a handful of folks that will become celebrities within the community and their content will always be in demand. Gamers that aspire to be part of the WWE Creative Team now will have their opportunity to show their talents, as well as aspiring artists creating past, present and future Superstars.

So you are wondering what this Create-A-Storyline mode actually is, and how creative can you actually get with it. Well let me tell you. Story mode allows you to map out a creative storyline over a 2 year period. During that time, you can set matches, set pay-per-views, add match stipulations for the storyline to continue, and even add cut-scenes detailing events happening outside the ring to further add drama to your creation. This alone will bring out hardcore WWE fanatics, and I can see storylines that may even amaze Vince McMahon. That is why I cannot stress enough that this option is going to be bigger and more popular than anyone at THQ or the WWE can even imagine. Get your servers primed THQ!!! I can guarantee you that at least one community member will become the Stephen Spielberg of the SVR Community and all of his or her content will be in high demand every single time something is posted. What is even better is that you’ll be able to rate and review content online so you are sure to let others know what is hot and what is not.

So along with Story Creator mode you’ll have the options you have come to know as standard in the SVR series. The Road to Wrestlemania mode returns with 6 all new Superstar storylines, a Diva Storyline, and even a Create-A-Superstar storyline as well. With the inclusion of interactive cut scenes you’ll have more control over the impending storyline than you ever did before. The training mode is back as well and will allow you to work on all your moves and perfect them. Along with perfecting moves you also have a much more robust Create-A-Finisher move. You'll be able to combine maneuvers like you never have before. We witnessed a demostration showing some really over the top moves such as a double black flip off the top roap. You will also be able to change the trajectory and height of your aerial maneuvers as well to create even more unbelievable finishers. Once created, you can upload them and allow others to download your creations. Its all about the community folks.

An all new paint tool included in the game once again adds to the depth of customization and fits right into the tagline, “It’s Your World Now” . You’ll be able to customize outfits, tattoos and logos to better suit your wrestling persona. You’ll have standard paint tools as well as a custom color wheel to tweak every aspect of your design and creation. Create some logos that you can upload to the THQ servers for other fans to download or maybe even friends and create your all new online stable. Another new color customization option included for the first time in the game is the ability to colorize and customize Superstar outfits and gear. This option is known as Superstar Threads.  So you have always wondered what the Undertaker would look like in pink rather than black. Well, fire up the tool and colorize his outfit to a wonderful shade of pink. You’ll be able to save up to 3 alternate costumes for each Superstar.

Along with the ability to customize Superstars comes a streamlined Create-A-Superstar mode as well. Improved loading times give you little to no wait for items to display as they have in the past and you can quickly create and customize your Superstar. There are over 1000 parts that can be combined to create almost limitless possibilities. You can also now create screen poses that display during promos and before matches. Once again, this just solidifies the fact that SVR is now all about customization and allowing you to do what you have always wanted to do. Yes, it’s your world now!

Graphically, the game has taken steps forward as well. You’ll notice a lot of little things that have been added into the mix such as wrestlers showing the signs of vicious chops to the chest with the appearance of red and irritated skin. It looks great and really brings out the little things that you actually see during real life matches. Along with the upgrade in graphics, I also noticed that the collision detections seemed to be very good in this year’s game.

This game looks to have taken leaps forward to providing what the community has been asking for with all the new additions and customization options it gives you. As I have stated many times, the tagline is perfect for the game and it really is your world to do anything you want with it. The new online upload options will spawn great talent from creative writers to the latest and greatest artists.  You never know, but the WWE may actually check in on the content and you never know when you may see the latest online creation appear on an episode of Raw or Smackdown. Yes, I expect to see content good enough to be used in the WWE Universe storylines or maybe even better for that matter. The community will grasp this new content and take it places that THQ never expects. I would definitely keep this game on your radar if you have been a fan at all of the WWE or the game series in general. THQ definitely has a contender on its hands once again and with the proper finishing moves it could be one of the best wrestling games to date.


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