Preview of Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
by Tony IngrassiaJune 10, 2006
Lost Planet
First Impressions by Matrixmaul
The futuristic sci-fi game drops you right into the middle of the freezing cold as the demo begins. You’ve got your gun and your wits about you as you get ready to face any enemy under the sun. And those enemies you’ve found are giant bug like monsters ala Starship Troopers.
The story in the demo is minimal…actually, it’s not even existent. The game’s explanation is in the form of a mission briefing as you set out to take on the alien hive. Pretty damn good visuals accompany this demo in the form of snow footprints, aliens freezing in the cold then shattering and some decent destructible environments. A nice touch that the game has is a 90 degree turn for changing fighting directions quickly. This adds for a smooth and fluent way to dispose of enemies.
Now is the part where you get interested: Guns! There are a plethora of weapons to sooth your Halo deprived soul. Common weapons like the machine gun, and the shotgun are a must have as well as grenades, rockets, a sniper rifle and a pistol are available to take on alien foes. Then there are the weapons that come out of left field. The plasma gun: a charge shot or single shot gun can track an enemy in heat seeking fashion. A nice little touch to the weapon is that the ammo is also infinite.
For the really big enemies there is also a machine suit ready on certain parts of the level. Enemy AI is standard, there isn’t much extraordinary about it as most enemies are just cannon fodder. Environments are a little bland. Standard warehouses and caves that are all too common in games nowadays.
But what everyone wants to know: is it fun? My answer is hell yes. The demo of Lost Planet is not without its faults, but hey it’s a good way to waste an hour or two. You’ll find yourself playing the demo two or three times just to see what the demo has to offer. While not being a mind-blowing revolutionary next-gen game, it will be a cool game to check out once the full game is available.
Pros: Visuals are nice, good controls, and tons of weapons.
Cons: AI is a little weak as well as the environments.
? : What the hell is that orange stuff that gives me health...And why can’t I get enough of it?
Final Verdict: B. Check this one now and possibly look for it when it gets to your local retail store.