Preview of Thief: Deadly Shadows

Thief: Deadly Shadows
by ChewyMay 13, 2004
Once again thanks to our friends at Eidos we get a chance to take a peak at their soon to be released Thief: Deadly Shadows. Now I’ll admit, I’ve never played any of the Thief games, I swore off PC gaming a long time ago…but that’s another story. So going into this with a fresh and new point of view I’m happy to report I was quite impressed with this stealthy dark adventure.
You play as Garrett the master thief, following the lead of the Keepers, an ancient organization. The story is interesting and mysterious, which I always enjoy. The game play seems pretty solid and easy to pick up and understand. A Full range of motions are available to the well detailed characters and some pretty sharp rag doll effects add to the feel of the game.
I must admit I was surprised at the level of graphics in this preview build, nice textures and real time lighting give it the intense feel you should experience form a stealthy character like Garrett. Cool moves like wall hugging and an interesting array of weapons joined with the aforementioned graphics reminded me quite a bit of Splinter Cell. I know those are huge shoes to fill but I think Eidos is on a sweet little roll lately and doing all the right things.
Keep a look out for Thief: Deadly Shadows in your neighborhood video game store scheduled to be released May 26th, definitely worth a look-see.